- Contributing author to the R package pcalg.
- S. LaPlante, E. Perković (2024+). Identification of Conditional Causal Effects in an MPDAG.
- A.Venkateswaran, E. Perković (2024+). Towards Complete Causal Explanation with Expert Knowledge. Submitted (arxiv).
- S. LaPlante, E. Perković (2024). Conditional Adjustment in a Markov Equivalence Class. Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (arxiv)(published version).
F. R. Guo, E. Perković, A. Rotnitzky (2023). Variable elimination, graph reduction, and efficient g-formula. Biometrika.(arxiv)(published version)(R package)
- F. R. Guo, E. Perković (2022). Efficient Least Squares for Estimating Total Effects under Linearity and Causal Sufficiency. Journal of Machine Learning Research (arxiv)(published version)(R package)
- L. Henckel, E. Perković and M.H. Maathuis (2022). Graphical Criteria for Efficient Total Effect Estimation via Adjustment in Causal Linear Models. Journal of Royal Statistical Society. Series B (arxiv)(published version, published supplement)(code)(slides)
- F. R. Guo, E. Perković (2021). Minimal enumeration of all possible total effects in a Markov equivalence class. Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS 2021).(arxiv)(published version)(R package)
- E. Perković (2020). Identifying causal effects in maximally oriented partially directed acyclic graphs. Proceedings of the Thirty-Sixth Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI-20) (arxiv, published version: main paper, supplement) (slides: short, full)
- E. Perković, J. Textor, M. Kalisch, and M.H. Maathuis (2018). Complete graphical characterization and construction of adjustment sets in Markov equivalence classes of ancestral graphs. Journal of Machine Learning Research 18 (arxiv, published version) (slides)
E. Perković, M. Kalisch and M.H. Maathuis (2017). Interpreting and using CPDAGs with background knowledge. In Proceedings of the Thirty-Third Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI-17) (arxiv, published version + supplement)(slides, poster)(simulation study code)
E. Perković, J. Textor, M. Kalisch and M.H. Maathuis (2015). A complete generalized adjustment criterion. In Proceedings of the Thirty-First Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI-15). (arxiv, published version)(poster)
Theses Advised
- Emily Rose Flanagan, Honor’s Thesis, Identification and Estimation of Controlled Direct Effects in DAGs, CPDAGs, and MPDAGs. (pdf)
- Emilija Perković (2018). Graphical characterizations of adjustment sets. Ph.D. Thesis. ETH Zurich. (available at ETH research collection)